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And just like that, my internships are over. It seems like they just started and now here they are, over.
I've had a great time on the campaigns, working in New York and exploring the city.
I saw some celebrities (Cameron Diaz, John Mulaney) and helped out with two campaigns that were and still are great.
Internships are an amazing experience to have because not only does it tell you what you also tells you what you don't like--which is half the battle of self doubt in college.

As I ended my internships I made sure to do a couple of things
First, I met with my bosses and tied up loose ends. We discussed recommendation letters and references, which is exactly what you need at the end of an internship so that was great.
Second, I wrote thank-you notes. Just as you would thank someone for keeping you at their home or giving you a gift, your boss gave you the internship, so they should be thanked accordingly.
Third, I connected (or am connecting) to people from my internship on FB and Linkedin. Friends on FB, Bosses on Linkedin. Simple as that.

The experiences I've had through my internship have been amazing and while some of the things I did, weren't my favorite, I'm glad I did them to learn.
There is a silent epidemic striking the United States. It affects those who cannot provide for themselves and puts them at risk. Do you know what it is? Suicide? Nope. An STD? Nope. High School Dropouts? Nope
image via Huggies
It's diaper insecurity. Bet you didn't guess that.

In a new study by Yale, it is found that 30 percent of new mothers cannot afford diapers for their babies. Clean diapers are essential for babies, as anyone knows if they've been around a baby. Clean diapers not only make the baby comfortable (anything is better than chilling in your own filth) but also protects the baby against infection.

The study also notes that in many anti-poverty campaigns, diapers are often at the bottom of the list or forgotten completely. With diapers costing 6% of the income of a woman on minimum wage, it's believable that there are many children across the US facing health risks as well as physical discomfort.

To me this is insane. Diapers are basic for babies. It falls in the same area as food, security and shelter.  And to think that these needs aren't being met across the nation, is greatly distressing. To put it bluntly, babies need diapers. Like they need them. Non-negotiable. 

AND Diapers aren't covered by SNAP (food stamps) or WIC (Women, Infants and Children), both federal programs aimed at helping those in poverty. When diapers for the week can start at $18, its obvious that mothers need help.

Next time you want to help out around your community, try seeing if your local homeless shelter will take a diaper donation, or donate to The National Diaper Bank Fund

This isn't a charity of the month. I just think it's crazy that so many moms have problems finding diapers, that they aren't covered by federal programs and that babies are so afflicted by this "silent epidemic".

Here's a cute pic of some babies to put you in a better mood after that little rant
image via Evan Kafka
Thanks to the CBS News for covering this article and Quartz for talking about it in their newsletter a couple of days ago.
Image via The Missourian
After a long week, you've made it. It is Bid Day and PNMS and Actives are beyond happy. PNMs can't wait to meet their new sisters and get all "sratty"; Actives can't wait to take a much needed nap. The day starts out with high anticipation, and usually ends with a fun activity and maybe a sleepover. What isn't to love.
PNMs and Actives alike have so many new people to meet, it may seem overwhelming but just remember that these are your sisters now, the system works and it will work out for the best. As you step away from Bid Day, as school starts, or are thrown into the normal schedule of classes, each group has accomplished something great: making it through recruitment.

At my school, there is a large presentation to the PNMs about how large of a  responsibility wearing letters is. The video, meant to be taken extremely serious, shows PNMs that the sisterhoods that they will join take their membership seriously and their commitment shouldn't be taken lightly. 
In this vein, here is a little poem I found about sororities, which I believe is extremely timely for Bid Day and Beyond.
via Vintage Greek
While Bid Days are always special, I believe it is the moments beyond Bid Day, that are the most important. Bid Days are beginnings, and sororities are about the entire journey. I am so excited for anyone completing this journey. 
Hope everyone is having an amazing Monday!

Okay y'all, I was ambeling around the world wide web out there a couple of days ago and I just so happened to find Sweet Zoe Shop and let me just tell you. I am in love. No really. I'm throwing around the l word here. Love.
So Sweet Zoe Shop's website is beyond cute right? I'm mean just look
See what I mean. My name is written all over her stuff. From cases to thank-you notes, business cards, dart board and t-shirts, it's all cute and customizable. Oh yes I said it. You can customize it because the shop is in Zazzle (which has gotten a major update lately). Here are some of my favorite things from the Sweet Zoe Shop.
Yeah, that's right. That is a skateboard deck in the lower right corner. I don't skate, but I'm sort of tempted to now. This stuff is just so cute and appropriately priced I had to share with y'all. I ordered some stuff for the sorority (stickers for gifts, but I can't show y'all them) and it is SO CUTE and just what I wanted.
Seriously, Sweet Zoe fills the gap that you have been looking for.
Check it out yourself.
Well I really didn't "get-away" this weekend. But I did go to my racquet club's cocktail party and boy I forgot just how beautiful Fells Brook was. It was amazing hanging out with friends that were old as family and just having a relaxing time before heading back to school. Check out the pictures below of my beloved Fells Brook.
The courts.
Dinner, pool-side
image via
            As the week of recruitment wound down, I began to be faced with what chapter I would eventually call home. I was looking for a place where I knew I would belong, not just because they wanted me, or because their name was known as top tier, but because I connected with the sisters on a personal level and I could see myself being friends with the girls.
            When I looked back on the chapters I met with, only one stood out to me as one where I had real, legitimate connections. There was only one house where I felt at ease and where everything just seemed to click.

            I had heard some negative things about the chapter. Which is true for every chapter. No sorority has a 100% positive reputation and I made the choice to not believe the hype, but rather, trust my instinct and pick the house where I didn’t have to pretend to be something that I’m not.

            Two years later, I cannot imagine picking another sorority. Infact, I’ve had dreams where I had to pick again, given all the choices, I still picked my chapter because it is where I feel most comfortable.

            As you go through recruitment, try to find the place where you can be yourself, where you don’t feel judged. Don’t listen to what other people are saying, don’t listen to negative comments about any sorority. Try it out for yourself and remember, trust your gut.

Sometimes I don't get to read as much as I'd like to. Summer break is a great time to read. While I may be headed back to school, most of y'all still have a month left--just enough time to read some of these books.
I always love learning more about personal style, especially on a budget, which is why I turned to How to Look Expensive. Talk about knowing everything you could want to know. From best haircuts on a budget to wardrobe essentials, this book is it.
The Financial Lives of the Poets is one of those amazing books where you get inside the character's head, and you see how someone's life could easily be turned upside down. It also showed me that even when you think your life is over, it really isn't.
How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia was one of those books that was everywhere earlier this summer, and believe me it deserves the hype. I read this book in one day because it was just that amazing. Outlining lives in Asia and the effort they must go through to change their circumstances not only tells an amazing story but also gives insight into that part of the world.
I don't know about y'all...but I've never done hard drugs. And I don't really plan on it. However the Portrait of an Addict as a Young Man tells of how one man, in New York City begins smoking crack and how he maintained his everyday life until one day, he couldn't anymore. This is a memoir, which makes the tale even more shocking.
I've been on a classics kick lately, reading books I should've read in class or I just happened to miss. Slaughterhouse-Five is one of those books and I cannot recommend it more simply because its one of those books you just have to read in your life.
Finally, I love movies that are nostalgic for older times (I'm looking at you Dazed and Confused) and the time period that the Virgin Suicides is set in is just lovely. I fell in love with Sofia Coppola's movie so I thought I best read the book. Boy I was right, this book is now one of my favorites.

Any of these books can be read in a month, so what are you waiting for? Go out there are read!


Sorry y'all. I really have been trying to post like normal but my wifi/ all my cable isn't working right now. As soon as I get it back I'll post as usual. Worst comes to worst, I'll go to Starbucks tomorrow to post. Love y'all!

It Clueless' 18th birthday and if Cher and the gang threw a birthday party, you might see some unexpected guests at the festivities; economists. Really? Economists like Cher Horowitz? What?
Is it because most of them are "virgins who can't drive?" Or do they like Cher's happy-go-lucky outlook on life?

Actually it's neither. They love what Cher does throughout the movie. She's a matchmaker, implementing a super-challenging theory to work out her pairings. Bet you didn't know that. Clueless implements Game Theory for the work that Cher Horowitz does. I really don't know how to describe Game Theory--it involves planning and anticipating your opponents moves/choices and making your own based on theirs---but its used in statistics, economics and political science. 

Another classic that uses Game Theory? Emma by Jane Austen, the novel that Clueless is based on. Jane Austen is the grandmother of this theory and she even implements it in Pride and Prejudice through Mrs. Bennet.

How cool is that? There is more of Cher to love and there's also a little bit to learn. Who would've thought? 
To learn more about it, check out the Freakonomics Podcast (transcript available) who explains the cool phenomenon in great detail. You can listen to the podcast below!
For the month of July, the book club was going to be reading Victory Lab by Sasha Issenberg. This is typically known as the modern Bible in political campaign. I was so eager to read Victory Lab because I am working on campaigns right now and I want to learn more about the business of it.
Victory Lab is definitely only for those politically inclined. It was interesting to read but I could easily see how readers who really don't care about the campaigns would be bored within the first couple of pages. I had studied a lot of the people discussed in the book in my Political Science classes so...okay I confess, I was bored with Victory Lab as well.
I was totally hoping to just eat it up but no. It was dry--and I like Political Science.

Have any of y'all read Victory Lab? What did y'all think?

For the next Pearls and Political Science Book Club we are going to be reading:

Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach. 
Financial independence is something that means a lot to me, and let's be honest, i'm not the most financially responsible. Let's work on improving that together!